Readin’ and Writin’ What this Blog is all about: I need to read and write in a Lawyerly fashion so shitloads of thorough reading alongside exact precise legally concise kickarse writing on Law blog

Reading and Writing? that is at volume Writing as muc?h as possible minimum 2000 or more or less words a day to gain fluency, and Reading that is learning to Read up to 200 pages or more or less a day in ascending gradual order as one gains strength and might in the exercises persevering in the Practices until they become Second Nature; or that is the aim.  Reading and writing like a Lawyer is way to go.

At First one might think this is primary level that’s because it is-it is right for all ages and all cultures anyone with a love of books and a love of writing depending on circumstances which will vary from extreme wealth to extreme poverty, At another level it is primarily sophisticated requiring one sets ones own Reading Lists and learn to plough through various Texts of choice at one’s will; and learning to get at it through Hell and High Water.

Why Readin’ and Writin’? because these skills complement each other and lead to one another. You cannot write unless you read and you cannot read dare I say until you write and learn to find your own voice.

I write NOT as one who has made it but one who I believe has hit on a KEY like Chris Baty of Nanowrimo Fame. ( I believe Baty lost the plot whilst lauding a great goal that didn’t need to fall short of the goal of Month long  Writathons)

I believe that intensive reading and writing with all its struggles longings and tears, fears and pains, is good for the soul. I am NOT a Student but am self-teaching myself various Subjects (that does not ignore or disregard University or School Pedagogy); I AM STRUGGLING to do this Project. For instance my Writing exceeds my Reading at 120,000 words in three months, and n 1000 words on Windows 98 computer and I need to get my Reading ‘up to ‘ my Writing. (Current Read: Blackwell Companion to Continental Philosophy Chritchly and Schroeder). but I am at least trying.

UPDATE: Law is now my subject of preference so i now have to master big bugger books minimum size 1000+ plus learn to do epic amounts of quality writing. That way if i end up at crowd funded Law School I will have acclimatised meaning its easier to cope with what would be a very demanding Course. This teaching myself has the potential to make me academically strong which is what is required for Law Courses.

Law School Prefs: LLB/LLM for Legal Research Skills or GDL? BPTC at my Favourite Inn!!! Legal Aid Law LASPO with some lucrative options. John Cooper QC absolute dream to emmulate in terms of utter success at being a justice seeking QC..

So this Project is to unite as many that there are working or workless, young and old, even Professionals to learn to read again and to write.

The Condem Govt is closing down Public Libraries, Companies like Amazon wish us to buy  Kindle Editions but deny us the right of ownership over what we purchase. #corporatepowerultraviresgonetoofarlikedatamining

The only way to overcome is private buying of what the hell you want not what they think you should read,

Readin’and Writin’ Founder and Director and Law Fan Activist on #saveukjustice Campaign 2 years

Visionary Projects Ltd


2 Responses to Readin’ and Writin’ What this Blog is all about: I need to read and write in a Lawyerly fashion so shitloads of thorough reading alongside exact precise legally concise kickarse writing on Law blog

  1. Diegozpy says:

    hope you do not bother if I publish a translation of this in Spanish


    • katesjc6189 says:

      legal and copyright issues. I do not even know you. wp probably has a translation tool for a premium so I will look into it. I cannot and will not trust someone i do not know with my content. sorry.


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